Friday, August 3, 2012

20 Random Factoids

1. I am scared of "something" biting or touching me in lakes
2. I think I am pretty funny
3. I like the smell of my kids belly buttons (this might REALLY scare some)
4. I enjoy getting to watch all of the Disney movies I grew up with with my daughter (even though she is usually doing something else while I am watching)
5. I am disappointed when I can't trick my husband into wanting to eat pizza or cupcakes
6. I have no self control when it comes to eating while I am prego
7. Navy blue is the color for me
8. After 2 years of not having cable, I really like it (except when SYTYCD is on, then I kick myself)
9. My feet have definitly gotten bigger after kids
10. I want my old boobs back
11. I pull my eyebrows out when I am anxious (which feels like 90% of the time these days)
12. I have mastered a 5 minute shower while bathing 2 kids (pretty proud of that one)
13. I strongely dislike it when the old ladies at Walmart touch my kids
14. I might punch the next person that calls my daughter a boy
15. I really like sleeping with my kids and if I could I would get another CA King and have one giant family bed.
16. My husband and I have not had a honeymoon yet, but you can be sure we will
17. I want to write Cesar Millan and ask him to explain my dog Jack Jack (I think he would be quite interested)
18. I am excited for the final installment of the Twilight movies (yep, pretty excited)
19. I have to own ever book I read and am proud to show them off
20. I am nervous and excited to be 30 next year.

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