Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Reading for Advent!

To Be Virgin
Loretta Ross-Gotta

     Lots of people these days are seeking recollection, writing books about it, urging us to do it.  It seems like a nice idea all right - until you try it.  What a lot of the books don't tell you about is the terror.  To know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge  may mean not knowing much of anything else.
     With the peace and quiet of recollection may come the stark edge of fear that this doing nothing, this being, this offering of oneself for God to be the actor, cannot possibly be enough.  It all seems so passive.  Do something, produce, preform, earn your keep.  Don't just sit there.  It may be good and well for Mary to offer space in herself for God to dwell and be born into the world, but few of us posses the radical belief much recollection requires.  
     What matters in the deeper experience of contemplation is not the doing and accomplishing.  What matters is relationship, the being with.  We create holy ground and give birth to Christ in our time not by doing but by believing and by loving the mysterious Infinite One who sits within.  This requires trust that something of great and saving importance is growing and kicking its heels in you.  
      The angel summoned Mary, betrothed to Joseph, from the rather safe place of conventional wisdom to a realm where few of the old rules would make much sense.  She entered that unknown called "virgin territory."  She was on her own there,  No one else could judge for her the validity of her experience. 
      She can measure her reality against Scripture, the teachings of her tradition, her reason and intellect, and the counsel of wise friends.  But finally it is up to her.  The redemption of the creation is resting on the consent - the choice of this mortal woman to believe fearlessly that what she is experiencing is true.  And to claim and live out that truth by conceiving the fruit of salvation.
      To be virgin means to be one, whole in oneself, not perforated by the concerns of the conventional norms and authority, or the powers and principalities.  To be virgin, then, is in a sense to be recollected.
      Though recollection appears to be passive, it is worth nothing that conceive is an active verb.  It's Latin root means "to seize, to take hold of."  Because Mary recollected, she is able to take hold of God.  Elizabeth, in whom John the Baptist leaps for joy at the approach of Christ in Mary, exclaims, "Blessed is she who believed that there would be fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord."  Blessed are all virgins, male and female, who believe that there will be fulfillment of what is spoken to them by the angelic messengers of grace.
     Jesus observed. "Without me you can do nothing" (John 155:5).  Yet we act, for the most part, as though to make Christmas come, which is to say we think we have to bring about the redemption of the universe on w our own.  When all God needs is a willing womb, a place of safety, nourishment, and love.  "Oh, but nothing will get done, " you say.  "If I don't do it, Christmas won't happen."  And we crowed out Christ with out fretful fears.
     God asks us to give away everything of ourselves.  The gift of greatest efficacy and power that we can offer God and creation is not our skills, abilities, and possessions.  The wise men has their gold, frankincense, and myrrh, Paul and Peter has their preaching.  Mary offered only space, love, belief.  What is it that delivers Christ into the world - preaching, art, writing, scholarship, social justice?  Those are all gifts will worth sharing.  But preachers lose their charisma, scholarship grows pedantic, social justice alone cannot save us.  In the end, when all other human gifts have met their inevitable limitation, it is the recollected one, the bold virgin with a heat in love with God  who makes a sanctuary of her life, who delivers Christ who then delivers us.
     Try it.  Leave behind your briefcase and notes and proof texts.  Leave behind your honed skills and knowledge.  Leave the Christmas decorations up in the attic.  Go to someone in need and say, "Here, all I have is Christ."  And find out that that is enough.
     Imagine a Christmas service where the worshipers come in their holiday finery to find a sanctuary empty of all the glittering decorations, silent of holiday carols. 
     What if on Christmas Eye people came and sat in dim pews, and someone stood up and said, "Something happened here while we were all out at the malls, while we were baking cookies and fretting about whether we bought our brother-in-law the right gift: Christ was born.  God is here"?  we wouldn't need the glorious choruses and the harp and the bell choir and the organ.  we wouldn't need the tree strung with lights.  We wouldn't have to deny that painful dissonance between the promise and hope of Christmas and a world wracked with sin and evil.  There wouldn't be that embarrassing conflict over the historical truth of the birth stories and whether or not Mary was really a virgin.  And no one would have to preach sermons to work up our belief.
     The intensity and strain that many of us bring to Christmas must suggest to some onlookers that, on the whole, Christians do not seem to have gotten the point of it.  Probably few of us have the faith or the nerve to tamper with hallowed Christmas traditions on a large scale , or with our other holiday celebrations.  But a small experiment might prove interesting.  What if, instead of doing something, we were to be something special?  Be a womb.  Be a dwelling for God.  Be surprised.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! And what better opportunity for those of us who are starting new traditions with our own little families to create this space. The space is really already there on this clean slate. :)The challenge for me is being mindful of it and preserving it.
